Seeing the world, one week at a time.
Since I have returned from the Magellan's Ghost walkabout, many have asked how it came to be, how it all came together, and how it went. So, I decided to go through my travel journal and put it all down in print. For their benefit, and for mine. This is a trip that I want to remember, even when I don't remember anything else.
So here it is, a blow-by-blow, day-by-day accounting of how this trip of a lifetime came together, and the experiences, insights and advice that I can impart on my fellow travelers. It was, by any measure, an almost perfect exploration of the world, its people, its cuisine and its quirks, complete with hopefully some entertaining and enlightening commentary.
Enjoy! If you have any questions or comments, give me a shout at travelintim1@gmail.com.
Chapter 2:
How I ended up spending the first night of a worldwide trip in the Bogota Airport.